
《眼科学报》创刊于1985年,是由中华人民共和国教育部主管、中山大学主办、中山大学中山眼科中心承办的一本国家级医学期刊(2020年10月由季 刊更改为月刊,刊号:ISSN:1000-4432; CN:44-1119/R)。由中山大学中山眼科中心前院长葛坚,中山大学中山眼科中心主任、院长刘奕志担任主编, 中山大学中山眼科中心副主任林浩添担任执行主编。 主要报道国内外眼科领域新进展,新动态,着重报道眼科学基础研究,临床经验,以及流行病等 相关的理论知识与技术操作。 目前已被Chemical Abstract(CA)、中国期刊全文数据库(知网)、中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库(万方)、中文科技期 刊数据库(维普)等国内外重要数据库收录。 

1 投稿

1.1 《眼科学报》设有论著(包括临床和基础研究)、述评、综述、病例报告、会议报道、药物与临床、最新医学信息等栏目。论著、述评、综述等一般不少于5 000字,病例报告等一般不少于3 000字。论著类稿件应严格进行统计学处理,以人为研究对象时,应说明是否获得有关伦理委员会的批准, 是否取得受试对象的知情同意。会议报道与学术考察报告:特别欢迎参加国内、外眼科学术会议的学者会后撰写有关会议研讨的最新进展报道。热忱欢迎广大作者踊跃投稿。 

1.2 本刊采用网上稿件采编系统,请作者登陆我刊网站(http://journal.veelink.com/Ykxb/)进行投稿。第一次投稿需先注册,然后按提示步骤投送稿件。 本刊实行双盲审稿制,投稿时请将以下信息一并上传到稿件采编系统中:作者信息(作者姓名和单位、通信作者、通讯地址、电话、Email及基金项目等)置于单独一份Word中。文稿正文(中英文标题、关键词、摘要、正文内容、参考文献等)置于另外一份Word中。单位介绍信(注明材料真实可靠,无一稿多投和无科研机密资料泄密)和《著作权转让协议书》(列名作者均需签名)扫描件。 

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1.5 著作权让与条款及法律责任 
1.5.1 投稿著作所有列名作者皆同意在投稿文章经本刊刊登后,其部分著作财产权即转让给本刊,但作者仍保有著作人身权,并保有本著作未来自行集结、教学等个人使用之权利。 
1.5.2 本刊崇尚学术创新,坚决抵制抄袭、剽窃、侵吞他人学术成果、一稿多投、重复发表等学术不端行为,并将在初审时和稿件刊登前进行学术不端行为检测,如发现有学术不端现象,稿件将不予采用,并予警示。凡涉及著作权纠纷等事项,由作者负全责。 

1.6 本刊被国内外多家权威数据库和文摘杂志列为固定收录刊源,或摘要转载,或全文上网,或全文进入光盘版杂志,或应用于新媒体。作者来稿时如无特别声明,即视为同意纳入这些信息服务系统,以提供信息服务,进行国内外学术交流 

2 撰稿要求

2.1 文字和术语文稿力求主题明确,层次清楚,文字精炼紧凑。名词术语以全国科学技术名词审定委员会公布的名词为准,药名以国家公布的《中国药品通用名称》为准。新译名词应附外文。公认通用缩略语和本刊英文缩略语表中的缩略语可直接应用,如DNA、HBsAg、ATP、NO、CO2、IgG、PCR、ECG等。 

2.2 量和单位 严格按《中华人民共和国法定计量单位》、《中华人民共和国法定计量单位使用方法》及GB3100~3102-1993《量和单位》的规定书写。凡原文量和 单位不是我国法定计量单位者需改用法定计量单位,或在后面用括号注明新旧单位的换算关系。凡有单位符号者应使用符号,如“天”写为“d”,“ 小时”写为“h”,“分”写为“min”,“秒”写为“s”等;国际单位制中单位名称来源于科学家姓氏时,其第一个字母应大写,如:帕(斯卡)、 焦(耳)、瓦(特)……(Pa,J,W...);单位符号一律用正体字母;选用合适的词头使量的数值处于0.1~1 000之间,分子分母不宜同时用词头,如 5 μg/mL建议改为5 mg/L。 

2.3 统计学符号 按国家标准GB-3358-82《统计学名词及符号》的有关规定书写,常用如下:样本大小用“n”;标本的算术平均数用_x表示(中位数仍用M);标准差用s;标准误用sx;t检验和F检验分别用英文小写“t”和英文大写“F”;卡方检验用希文小写χ2 ;相关系数用r;自由度用希文小写ν(钮);概率用 英文大写P。以上符号均用斜体 

3 综述撰写要求综述应主要参照近5年(近3年为主)发表的国内外文献,深入浅出地反映所选命题的国际水平和发展趋势。不主张以1篇国外文献为蓝本,再在其中添加部分内容。综述由中英文文题、中英文摘要、中英文关键词、正文和参考文献等组成。 

4 论著撰写要求

论著一般包括中英文文题、中英文署名(另附)、中英文摘要、中英文关键词、正文和参考文献等部分。论著正文一般包括引言、材料与方法、结果、 讨论4部分

Founded in 1985, Eye Science is a national medical journal sponsored by Sun Yat-sen University and organized by Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center (ZOC) of Sun Yat-sen University, which is in charge of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. (In October 2020, it was changed from a quarterly journal to a monthly journal with the publication number of ISSN: 1000-4432; CN: 44-1119/R). Prof. Ge Jian, former president of ZOC of Sun Yat-sen University, and Prof. Liu Yizhi, director and president of ZOC of Sun Yat-sen University, served as the Editors-in-Chief. Prof. Lin Haotian, deputy director of ZOC of Sun Yat-sen University, served as the Executive Editor-in-Chief. It mainly reports the new progress and new trends in the field of ophthalmology in China and abroad, focusing on the basic research, clinical experience and common diseases of ophthalmology and other related theoretical knowledge and technical operations. By now, it has been indexed in important databases such as Chemical Abstract (CA), China Journal Full Text Database (CJFD), China Core Journal Alternative Database (Wanfang), Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database (CSTJ), etc.

1 Contribution

1.1 Eye Science has columns such as original articles (including clinical and basic research), editorials, reviews, case reports, conference reports, medicine and clinics, and latest medical information. Original articles, editorials and reviews are generally no less than 5000 words, and case reports are generally no less than 3000 words. Original articles should be strictly statistically processed. When taking human beings as research subjects, it should be stated whether the author(s) have obtained the approval of the relevant ethics committee and whether they have obtained the informed consent of the subjects. Conference report and academic investigation report are also welcomed, especially the latest progress report on ophthalmic conferences by scholars. We warmly welcome all the authors to contribute. 

1.2 Eye Science adopts the online manuscript collection and editing system, and authors are invited to log in to our website( http://journal.veelink.com/Ykxb/ )to contribute. At one’s first submission, one must register first, and then submit the manuscripts according to the prompted steps. Eye Science adopts a double-blind review system. When submitting, please upload the following documents and upload them to the manuscript collection system: the author’s information (name and organization, corresponding author, mailing address, telephone number, Email address and funding project, etc.) in an independent DOC document; the content of the manuscript (Chinese and English title, keywords, abstract, main text, references, etc.) in an independent DOC document; a scanned copy of an introduction letter from the author’s institution (indicating that the materials are authentic and reliable, without multiple contributions for one manuscript or disclosure of confidential scientific research materials) and the Copyright Transfer Agreement (signed by all the listed authors). 

1.3 The Editorial Office will notify the author whether the manuscript is accepted or not within 3 months after receiving the manuscript. If the author has not received the notification after more than 3 months, the author can inquire the Editorial Office or withdraw the manuscript and submit it to another publication. However, the author must notify the Editorial Office before withdrawing the manuscript, otherwise it will be deemed as multiple contributions for one manuscript. 

1.4 Responsibility for the contributions. According to the Copyright Law, Eye Science can make textual changes and abridgements to the manuscripts used in the final publication. Any changes involving the original intention would be submitted to the author for consideration. The author should make a statement in advance if he/she do not agree to the deletion of the manuscript. The revised draft should be returned to the Editorial Office within 10 working days. Special circumstances should be declared in advance if there is any. 

1.5 Copyright Assignment Terms and Legal Liabilities 
1.5.1 All the listed authors of the submitted manuscripts agree to transfer part of their copyright property rights to Eye Science after publication, but the authors still retain the personal rights of the works, and the rights to assemble, teach and other personal uses of the works in the future. 
1.5.2 Eye Science advocates academic innovation, resolutely resists such academic misconduct as plagiarism, misappropriation of others' academic achievements, multiple contributions of one manuscript, and repeated publication, and will conduct academic misconduct detection at first review and before the publication. If any academic misconduct is found, the manuscript will not be used and the authors will be warned. The author shall be fully responsible for all matters involving copyright disputes. 

1.6 Eye Science has been listed as the fixed indexed journal source by many authoritative databases and abstract journals at home and abroad, which means the abstracts of the publication would be reprinted, or the full text would be put online, in CD journals, or in the form of new media. The author(s) shall be deemed to have agreed that their contribution to be included in these systems in order to provide information services and to conduct academic exchanges at home and abroad if not declare otherwise.

2. Writing requirements

2.1 Language and technical terms. The manuscripts shall strive to be clear in theme, level, and text. The technical terms shall be subject to the ones published by the National Science and Technology Terminology Examination and Approval Committee, and the pharmaceutical names shall be subject to the Chinese Common Name of Drugs published by the state. Newly translated nouns shall be accompanied by their original text. Generally accepted abbreviations and ones in the English abbreviation list of Eye Science can be used directly, such as DNA, HBsAg, ATP, NO, CO2, IgG, PCR, ECG, etc. 

2.2 Quantities and units. Quantities and units shall be written in strict accordance with the Provisions of the Legal Units of Measurement of the People's Republic of China, the Methods of Use of Legal Units of Measurement of the People's Republic of China and GB3100~3102 - 1993 Quantities and Units. Where the original quantity and unit are not the legal measurement unit in China, the legal measurement unit shall be used instead, or the conversion relationship between the new and old units shall be indicated in parentheses. Unit symbols shall be used where necessary, such as "d" for "day", "h" for "hour", "min" for "minute", and "s" for "second". In the International System of Units, when the name of the unit comes from the scientist's surname, the first letter should be capitalized, such as Pa, J, W. All unit symbols shall be in regular script. Proper prefix should be selected to make the value of the quantity between 0.1 and 1000, and the prefix should not be used for the numerator and denominator at the same time, such as 5 μg/mL is recommended to be changed into 5 mg/L.

2.3 The statistical symbols. The statistical symbols shall be written in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national standard GB-3358-82 Statistical Terms and Symbols, commonly used as follows: "n" is used for sample size; “_x” for the arithmetic mean of the sample (the median is still M); “s” for standard deviation; “sx” for standard misuse; small ”t” and capital “F” in “ t-test” and “F-test” respectively; Greek lower case “χ2” for Chi square test;”r” for the correlation coefficient; Greek Lowercase “ν” for Degrees of Freedom; “P” for Probability. All the above symbols should be written in italics.

3. Requirement for review writing

Review should mainly refer to the domestic and foreign literature published in the past 5 years (mainly in the past 3 years), and reflect the international level and development trend of the selected topic in simple terms. It is not recommended to use one foreign literature as the blueprint and then add some content to it. Reviews consist of Chinese and English titles, Chinese and English abstracts, Chinese and English keywords, main text and references. 

4. Requirements for Original Article writing

Generally, original articles include Chinese and English titles, Chinese and English authorship (attached separately), Chinese and English abstracts, Chinese and English keywords, main text and references. The main text of the original articles generally include four parts: introduction, materials and methods, results, and discussion.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science

