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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Application of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of diabetic optic neuropathy

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | - 发布时间:2023-04-18 收稿时间:2023/3/30 14:46:09 阅读量:8438
diabetic optic neuropathy artificial intelligence optic disk optic cupdiabetic retinopathy
目的:通过分析基于眼底彩照的人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)在糖尿病视神经病变(diabetic optic neuropathy,DON)中的参数特征,探索AI在DON诊断中的应用价值。
方法:收集2020年1月1日至2022年4月30日就诊于东莞东华医院、横沥医院及东莞市寮步镇社区卫生服务中心并诊断为糖尿病的患者,采集其一般信息并拍摄以黄斑为中心、图片边缘距离视盘中心超过1PD的50°眼底彩照。眼底彩照由人工智能诊断系统分析获得视盘及血管检测参数,由3-4名眼底专家阅片后分为DON(+)、DON(-)两组并作糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)分期诊断。比较两组间视盘、血管检测参数的差异性,并分析各项参数以及DR分期与DON发病的相关性。
结果:研究共纳入糖尿病患者526人(945眼),其中男性335人,女性191人;平均年龄为51.58±12.21岁,平均病程为5.51±5.20年。所有入组病例中,DON(+)组205眼,DON(-)740眼;根据专科医师判读结果,无DR 723眼,轻度非增殖期糖尿病视网膜病变(non-proliferrative diabetic retinopathy,NPDR)7眼,中度NPDR 184眼,重度NPDR 24眼,增殖期糖尿病视网膜病变(proliferrative diabetic retinopathy,PDR)7眼。AI检测的视盘及血管参数中,水平视杯直径、垂直视杯直径、水平杯盘比、垂直杯盘比、B区视网膜静脉血管当量、B区视网膜动静脉比值在有或无DON组间存在显著差异;水平视盘直径、垂直视盘直径、弧形斑和视盘面积比、B区视网膜动脉当量在两组之间无显著差异。相关性分析发现,水平视杯直径、垂直视杯直径、水平杯盘比、垂直杯盘比、B区视网膜动静脉比值与DON患病呈负相关;B区视网膜静脉血管当量、DR分期则与其呈正相关。
Objective: To explore the application value of artificial intelligence (AI) in the diagnosis of diabetic optic neuropathy (DON) by analyzing the parameter characteristics of artificial intelligence (AI) based on fundus color photos.
Methods: From January 1, 2020 to April 30, 2022, patients diagnosed with diabetes were collected in Dongguan Donghua Hospital, Hengli Hospital of Dongguan and Community Healthcare Center of Dongguan Liaobu. General information was collected and 50°field vision fundus images(centered on macula and the edge of the images were more than 1PD away from the center of the optic disc) were taken. All the images were divided into DON(+) and DON(-) groups by 3-4 ophthalmologists. All the parameters were detected and analyzed by AI system, and their differences between the two groups were compared. The correlation between each parameter and DR stage with the incidence of DON was analyzed as well.
Results: A total of 526 diabetic patients (945 eyes) were included in this study, including 335 males and 191 females. The mean age was 51.58±12.21 years, and the mean disease duration was 5.51±5.20 years. All the enrolled cases were divided into DON (+) group (205 eyes) and DON (-) group (740 eyes) . According to ophthalmologists’ interpretation, 723 eyes had no DR, 7 eyes had mild nonproliferrative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR), 184 eyes had moderate NPDR, 24 eyes had severe NPDR, 7 eyes had Proliferrative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Among the parameters detected by AI, there were significant differences in horizontal and vertical optic cup diameter, horizontal and vertical C/D, retinal vein equivalent(RVE) in zone B, and retinal arteriole-to venule ratio(AVR) in zone B between DON(+) and DON(-) groups. There were no significant differences between the two groups in horizontal and vertical optic disc diameter, arc-shaped spot-to-disc area ratio, and retinal artery equivalent(RAE) in zone B. In the analysis of risk factors, horizontal and vertical optic cup diameter, horizontal and vertical C/D, and AVR in zone B were negatively correlated with the diagnosis of DON. RVE in zone B and the severity of DR were positively correlated with the diagnosis of DON.
Conclusions: The AI detection parameters based on fundus color photography have significant changes in the diameter of optic cup, C/D and RVE in zone B in DON patients. The incidence of DON is related to the severity of DR.

糖尿病视神经病变diabetic optic neuropathy,DON是糖尿病的眼部并发症中主要的致盲性疾病之一。DON的发病可早于糖尿病性视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR[1],但由于其症状及眼底体征与DR或其他眼底疾病相似,临床中容易出现漏诊,延误了治疗时机。DON致盲可防、可控,早期筛查、诊断对于延缓疾病进展、减轻视力损害至关重要。目前临床中DON的诊断主要依靠荧光素眼底血管造影、视野等检查,存在过程繁琐、有创、早期检出率低等缺点,且检查结果的判断对医师专业性及临床经验依赖程度高,致使临床工作尤其是基层医疗中DON的早期诊断极其困难,亟需寻找一种便捷、检出率高且易于推广的DON诊断方法。

随着人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI技术的发展,其被广泛应用于医疗诊断领域。基于眼底彩照的人工智能在糖尿病性视网膜病变筛查及诊断中的准确性及有效性已得到充分验证[2-5]AI可自动识别并量化眼底彩照中视盘相关的结构参数,在青光眼等疾病的早期诊断和监测疾病进展方面展现了出色的能力[6-7],但其在DON中的诊断价值却缺乏深入探索。因此本研究拟通过分析基于眼底彩照AI获取的视神经参数特征,探索AIDON诊断中的应用价值。

1 对象与方法


1.1 研究对象


1.2 诊断标准和阅片

糖尿病诊断标准[8]:具有糖尿病症状(典型包括:多饮、多尿和不明原因的体重下降),同时有三项中的任意一项:随机血糖浓度≥11.1mmol/L;空腹血糖浓度≥7.0mmol/L2h OGTT血糖≥11.1mmol/L。

DR诊断标准:根据糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)的国际临床分级标准[9]进行分期,分为轻度非增殖期糖尿病视网膜病变(Mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathyMild-NPDR)、中度非增殖期糖尿病视网膜病变(Moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathyModerate-NPDR)、重度非增殖期糖尿病视网膜病变(Severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathySevere-NPDR)、增殖期糖尿病视网膜病变(Proliferative diabetic retinopathyPDR)。

DON诊断标准:根据中国糖尿病视神经病变诊断和治疗专家共识(2022年)[10],将DON分为:隐匿型DON、糖尿病视盘病变(diabetic papillopathy,DP)、非动脉炎性前部缺血性视神经病变(non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy,NAION)。由于本研究基于眼底彩照,符合共识中DPNAION眼底表现(表1所示)的任意一条则可诊断为DON

表 1 不同分类的糖尿病视神经病变眼底表现
Table 1 Fundus manifestations of DON in different categories


1.3 分组与指标获取



1.4 统计学方法

应用SPSS 20.0 软件进行分析,研究中的所有计量资料采用均数±标准差表示,定性指标(如性别)的分析可以采用卡方检验,对于计量资料(如年龄、病程等),当其样本资料同时符合正态分布和方差齐性的要求时,可以使用方差分析;对于不能同时满足正态分布和方差齐性的要求时,采用非参数秩和检验。不同组之间的视乳头生物学参数指标均使用非参数秩和检验,以探索组间差异有无统计学意义。相关分析上,连续变量与DON患病的相关性分析采用Point-biserial检验法,DR分期与DON患病的相关性采用Mantel-Haenszel卡方检验。所有检验均以P0.05认为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 一般资料

研究共纳入糖尿病患者526人(945眼),其中男性335人,女性191人;平均年龄为51.58±12.21岁,平均病程为5.51±5.20年。所有入组病例中,按照有或无DON的判读结果分为DON+)组205眼,DON-740;根据专科医师判读结果,无DR 723眼,Mild-NPDR 7眼,Moderate-NPDR 184眼,Severe-NPDR 24眼,PDR 7眼。

2.2 两组间检测指标的差异性分析


2.3 DON患病的相关因素分析


2.4 DRDON之间的关系


表 2 各参数在两组间的差异情况及其与 DON 患病的相关性
Table 2 Comparison of parameters between the two groups and parameters’ correlation with DON




表 3 不同分期 DR 中合并 DON 的比例 [ 例 (%)]
Table 3 Incidence of DON in different grades of DR[(n(%)]


3 讨论




本文结果显示,DON总体患病率为21.69%;在DR患者中,DON患病率为42.79%;随着DR病变程度加重,DON患病率呈总体增加趋势(NPDRDOD患病率为41.86%,其中轻度NPDR42.86%,中度NPDR中为39.67%,重度NPDR中为58.33%PDR中为71.43%)。2021年我国《糖尿病相关眼病防治多学科中国专家共识》[24]提出,DR 患者中 DON 的患病率约为38. 4%,PDR中为66. 5%,与本研究结果相似。然而,本研究结果显示NPDRDON的患病率则明显高于共识提出的6. 2%,但与丁小燕[25]等人的研究结果(37.32%)接近。由于DON表现的多样性、无特异性,以及研究纳入对象差异(轻、中、重度NPDR比例不一致)、检查方法及诊断标准的不同,对于NPDRDON患病率的研究报道差别很大,尤其早期的研究报道的患病率较低,如邓娟[26]等人观察分析440NPDRFFA检查后提出DON患病率为4.3%。本研究的NPDR患者中轻度NPDR占比低(3.25%),且纳入的7眼轻度NPDR中有3DON+),这是本研究NPDRDON患病率偏高的最主要原因。

本文对DR分期与DON的患病进行相关分析发现二者呈显著正相关(R=0.295),提示DON的发生随着DR的严重程度而有增加趋势,结果与Hua R[19]的研究相似。该研究显示,PDR患者DON患病率显著高于NPDR;且在DPAION患者中NPDROR值分别为0.3195%CL 0.12-0.79)、0.1095%CL 0.06-0.18),表明 DR加重是DON的危险因素之一。事实上,DRDON均是由于高血糖引起的微血管并发症,随着DR进展,全视网膜毛细血管包括视盘周围放射状毛细血管均可发生内皮损害、血-视网膜屏障功能受损、微血管渗漏、视网膜缺血等病理改变,进而造成视网膜神经节细胞及神经血管单元等发生不可逆性损伤,引起DON的发生与发展[27]






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邓娟, 赵柳宁, 梁雪梅, 等. 非增生型糖尿病视网膜病变合并 糖尿病视神经病变的临床分类及表现[ J]. 中华眼底病杂志, 2012(3):215-218.
Deng J, Zhao L, Liang X, et al. Clinical classication and manifestation of diabetic optic neuropathy in patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy[ J]. Chin J Ocular Fundus Dis, 2012(3):215-218.
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1、东莞市社会科技发展(重点)项目 (202050715046227)。
This work was supported by the Social Science and Technology Development (Key) Project in Dongguan (202050715046227).()
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science

