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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Outlook on the prevention and treatment of glaucoma in China

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2021年6月 第36卷 第6期 400-404 发布时间: 收稿时间:2023/5/22 10:36:40 阅读量:4137
glaucoma prevention and treatment blindness perspective
Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. It brings great damage and heavy economic burden to patients, their families and society. Under the Vision 2020 initiative, great progress has been achieved in the glaucoma prevention and treatment in China, but there are still severe challenges ahead. In the future, the Guideline for Glaucoma Care in China (2020) will act as the blueprint of the prevention and treatment of glaucoma in China. Efficient, convenient and accurate screening and diagnosis of glaucoma will be achieved relying on the artificial intelligence technology. Personalized and precision therapy will be carried out based on individual and disease characteristics and social environment. Also, lifelong monitoring and guidance of patients will be realized in the context of the whole life cycle of chronic diseases. Glaucoma care will be further improved to continuously reduce vision impairment and blindness caused by glaucoma.
青光眼是全球首位不可逆性致盲眼病。随着我国人口老龄化,青光眼患病率逐年增加。2020年是“视觉2020计划”的收官之年,中国青光眼防治工作取得了长足进展。但最新的世界视力报告仍指出,到2040年,世界青光眼患者将超过1亿。据推算,截止至2020年我国青光眼患者可达2 100万,约占世界青光眼患者的1/4,因青光眼致盲者接近600万[1-2]。因此,2020年也将是未来艰巨而繁重的青光眼防治事业的开端之年。中国青光眼防盲治盲之路任重而道远。

1 有据可循的青光眼防治方案


2 早筛早控是避免青光眼盲的关键


3 科技创新助力青光眼治疗手段发展

3.1 青光眼微创手术有望成为未来青光眼手术治疗的主要方式


3.2 多种新型降眼压药物陆续上市,为青光眼医师提供更多更优选择


3.3 视神经保护治疗迎来曙光


3.4 青光眼治疗需要个性化和精准化


4 青光眼的慢病管理模式


5 结语

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  • Eye Science

