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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Attach importance to assessment before anesthesia of pediatric ophthalmic surgery

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2022年9月 第37卷 第9期 691-694 发布时间: 收稿时间:2022/11/22 15:24:14 阅读量:4255
pediatric anesthesia pediatric ophthalmopathy ophthalmic surgery preoperative examination preoperative assessment
The challenge of pediatric ophthalmic anesthesia is how to balance the safety and efficiency of ophthalmic surgery. Careful pre-operative evaluation and preparation can effectively reduce potential complications during pediatric ophthalmic anesthesia. During the preoperative assessment, it’s necessary to gather information, perform a full physical examination, take required laboratory tests or consultations with specialties, and deliver appropriate information and consent to increase the safety of pediatric ophthalmic anesthesia



1 询问病史


2 麻醉体格检查


3 实验室检查


4 麻醉前的充分告知义务


5 结语



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1、国家自然科学基金 (81901995)。This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81901995)()
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science

