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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


The effect of intraocular lens (IOL) pre-suspension in the treatment of severe lens subluxation

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2023年2月 第38卷 第2期 108-115 发布时间:2023-02-01 收稿时间:2023/2/23 10:59:02 阅读量:5770
lens subluxation intraocular len scleral suspension iris hook intraocular lens implantation
10.12419/j.issn. 1000-4432.2023.02.05
目的:探讨人工晶状体(IOL)预先巩膜悬吊在严重晶状体半脱位中的应用效果。方法:选取 2018年12月至2022年7月四川省人民医院收治的>180°的严重晶状体半脱位患者8例(8 眼)。术中避开脱位的晶状体,预先将IOL悬吊于玻璃体腔,再将晶状体托起置于IOL上方,必要时辅助以虹膜拉钩,稳定晶状体,确保超声乳化手术安全完成。结果:严重的晶状体半脱位患者8例,其中晶状体核N1-N3硬度的患者各1例,单独使用IOL预先巩膜悬吊于术中稳定脱位的晶状体,3例超声乳化手术均顺利完成;达N4患者3例、N5患者2例,其中4例在虹膜拉钩的辅助下安全完成超声乳化;有1例N5的患者,由于悬韧带损伤超过270°,在将晶状体托起放置于IOL之上时,坠入玻璃体腔,给予玻璃体腔超声粉碎处理。8例患者术后IOL均居中,视力有不同程度的提高,眼压正常,未见严重并发症。结论:在严重晶状体半脱位的超声乳化手术中,对于N2~N3的软核,IOL预先巩膜悬吊可以良好地稳定晶状体,确保超声乳化手术的顺利进行;对于N4~N5的硬核,IOL预先巩膜悬吊可以作为一种辅助方法,联合虹膜拉钩共同稳定晶状体,确保超声乳化手术的安全进行。
Objective: To investigate the effect of intraocular lens (IOL) pre-suspension in thetreatment of severe lens subluxation. Methods: Retrospective case study. From December 2018 to July 2022, 8 eyes of 8 patients with severe lens subluxation greater than 180 degrees admitted to our hospital were selected. During surgery, the IOL should avoid the subluxated lens and be pre-suspended in the vitreous cavity, and then the lens is lifted and placed above the IOL. If necessary, the iris hook can be used to stabilize the lens to ensure the safe completion of phacoemulsification. Results: There were 8 patients with severe subluxation of lens. Among them, the hardness of 3 patients' lens nucleus ranged from N1 to N3. In these 3 patients, we used the IOL pre-suspension alone to stabilize the subluxated lens, and phacoemulsification in these 3 patients was successfully completed. Three patients had N4 and 2 patients had N5, of which 4 patients underwent phacoemulsification safely with the assistance of iris hook. In another patient with N5, the lens fell into the vitreous cavity during surgery (the suspension ligament rapture greater than 270 degrees) when it was lifted and placed on the IOL which was crushed by the vitreous cavity ultrasound. After surgery, the IOL was centered in all 8 patients, visual acuity was improved to varying degrees, intraocular pressure was normal, and no serious complications were observed. ConclusionsIn severe lens subluxation surgery, IOL presuspension in soft nuclei of N2 to N3 can stabilize the lens well and ensure the safety of phacoemulsification. For hard nuclei N4 to N5, IOL presuspension can be used as an auxiliary method in combination with iris hook to stabilize the lens and ensure the safety of phacoemulsification.
半脱位270度 IOL虹膜拉钩辅助超乳


1 对象与方法

1.1 对象


1.2 方法

   1.2.1 术前检查及准备
    术前行视力、眼压、B超、UBM、角膜内皮细胞计数等常规检查,并散瞳检查晶状体脱位部位及范围。采用德国蔡司非接触光学相干生物测量(IOL-Master)测量角膜曲率、眼轴长度及计算人工晶状体度数。所有患者术前3 d予左氧氟沙星滴眼液点眼4次/日预防感染,术前1 h予复方托吡卡胺滴眼液散瞳,每15 min 1次,共4次。
   1.2.2 手术方法
    手术方法简述如下:180~270°的晶状体脱位,在做完主切口后房水外流,玻璃体前涌,晶状体自然上浮,将IOL植入于晶状体下,完成巩膜悬吊,晶状体自然位于IOL之上(如病例1);270°以上的脱位,晶状体通常脱垂于玻璃体腔,暂时无需调整晶状体的位置,完成IOL的巩膜悬吊后,使用虹膜恢复器将晶状体扶正于IOL之上(如病例2);硬核可以在虹膜拉钩的辅助下完成超声乳化(如图1),软核可以直接完成超声乳化(如图2),最后将IOL“Z”字缝合固定于巩膜。具体手术过程:采用0.75%布比卡因联合2%利多卡因4.5 mL球后麻醉。常规作主、侧切口,前房注入粘弹剂;取2点和8点位(180°对称的两点),分别于角膜缘后 2mm作标记;取2 mL注射器,于2点位标记处进针,避让晶状体,穿行于玻璃体腔;取缝线1(爱尔康PC-9聚丙烯不可吸收缝线,10-0,单针双线)于对侧8点位标记处进针进入玻璃体腔,与注射器汇合,缝针插入注射器针头内(如图1C),注射器针头由2点位退回,将缝针带出;缝线1尾部遗留于进针口外,与另一缝线(以下称缝线2)的尾部结扎,然后牵拉线结至前房后从主切口拉出线结,将缝线1尾部剪断(如图1E);把缝线1尾端系于预组装的IOL前襻远端2 mm处后将IOL推入前房,并置于晶状体后方,遗留后襻于主切口外;将缝线2尾部系于IOL后襻远端2 mm处;将 IOL完全推入玻璃体腔,置于晶状体的下方,行前段玻璃体切割;于悬韧带残留区的中心位,在角巩膜缘后3~3.5 mm,做类似于玻切的睫状体平坦部切口,宽1.5 mm,将虹膜恢复器探入玻璃体腔,将晶状体托起并置于IOL上方中央,拉紧两端缝线,但暂时无需缝合固定。如果仅是N2~N3级核,则开始撕囊,超声乳化,吸皮质;如果是N4~N5级核,撕囊后使用 3~4 根虹膜拉钩,辅助固定晶状体(如图1L),完成超声乳化、吸皮质等步骤后,用囊膜剪或视网膜剪,剪断残余悬韧带,完整取出晶状体囊膜,再行前部玻切,调整IOL位置,使之居中,再于浅层巩膜行“Z”字缝合,固定IOL。缝合时需注意,由于没有做结膜瓣和巩膜瓣,所以缝针需要由原来的出针孔进入结膜,穿行浅层巩膜,深约1/2 巩膜厚,潜行 4~6 mm 后出针[7]。如此,首尾相连地缝合3针(如图Q~R)。注意两侧需要交替对称缝合,不能缝合完一侧3针再缝合另一侧,因为3针后,缝线很难再调节松紧度了。最后吸除前房粘弹剂,适当行前部玻切,注入少许卡巴胆碱缩瞳;最后密闭主侧切口,必要时,主切口可以缝合一针。涂药膏,术毕。
   1.2.3 术后观察及处理
    术后最主要的问题是眼压的监控。对怀疑有少许玻璃体或者粘弹剂残留的患者,术后当天常规给予尼目克司口服、甘露醇静脉给药联合预防眼压升高。术后第一天观察患者的眼压,如果眼压在12 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)以下,可以停用甘露醇;如果高于21 mmHg,甘露醇可以每日2次给药,以保证术后眼压尽快恢复正常。术后随访期间常规测量视力、眼压,采用前节OCT或者UBM监测IOL的位置;对眼压升高的患者,术后监测视神经测厚和视野。

2 结 果

2.1 视力与眼压


2.2 IOL 位置


图 1 病例 1:患者男,54 岁,左眼晶状体半脱位,行人工晶体巩膜悬吊辅助超声乳化术
Figure 1 Case 1: A 54-year-old male patient with subluxation of the left lens underwent phacoemulsification with scleral suspension of the intraocular lens
(A) 上方悬韧带断裂,晶状体向下偏位。(B) 在晶状体下方注入粘弹剂,将晶状体向上托起。(C) 缝线 1 在 2 mL 注射器针头的辅助下,从 8 点位进针到 2 点位出针。(D) 将缝线 1 尾部遗留于进针口外,与缝线 2 尾部结扎。(E) 牵拉线结至前房后从主切口拉出线结,将缝线 1 尾部剪断。(F) 将缝线 1 尾部系于 IOL 前襻远端 2 mm 处。(G) 将 IOL 推入前房。(H)将 IOL 置于晶状体后方,遗留后襻于主切口外。(I) 将缝线 2 尾部系于 IOL 后襻远端 2 mm 处。( J) 将 IOL 完全置于晶状体后方。(K) 将晶状体移至正位。(L) 使用 3 个虹膜拉钩将晶状体固定。(M) 晶状体超声乳化。(N) 取出虹膜拉钩。(O)剪断残余悬韧带,完整取出晶状体囊袋。(P) 前部玻切。(Q) 缝针 1 由结膜原出针口进针,于浅层巩膜行 Z 字缝合。(R)缝针 2 以同法在对侧行浅层巩膜 Z 字缝合,两侧需对称交替缝合,使 IOL 居中。(S) 缝合主切口。
(A) The upper suspensory ligament is ruptured and the lens is deflected downward. (B) A viscoelastic agent is injected below the lens to lift the lens upward. (C) Suture 1 is inserted from the 8 point position to the 2 point position using a 2 mL syringe needle. (D) Leave the end of suture 1 outside the inlet and tie the end of suture 2. (E) Pull the knot toward the anterior chamber and pull out the knot from the main incision, and cut the end of suture 1. (F) Tie off the end of suture 1 2mm from the distal end of the front loop for the IOL. (G) Push the IOL into the anterior chamber. (H) Place the IOL behind the lens, leaving the posterior loop outside the primary incision. (I) Tie off the end of the suture 22mm from the distal end of the posterior IOL loop. ( J) Place the IOL completely behind the lens.(K) Move the lens to orthotopic position. (L) Hold the lens in position with 3 iris hooks. (M)Phacoemulsification of the lens. (N) Remove the iris hook. (O) Cut the remaining suspensory ligament residual suspensory ligament and remove the capsular pouch completely. (P) Cut through the anterior vitreous. (Q) The suture needle1 was inserted from the original conjunctival outlet, and Z-shaped suture was performed in the superficial sclera. (R) Needle2 was used to suture the opposite side of the sclera in the same way, alternating the sutures symmetrically on both sides to center the IOL. (S) Suture
main incision.


图 2 病例 2:患者女,53 岁,右眼晶状体半脱位,行人工晶体巩膜悬吊辅助超声乳化术
Figure 2 Case 2: A 53-year-old female patient with subluxation of the right lens underwent phacoemulsification with scleral suspension of the intraocular lense
(A) 仅上方悬韧带残留,平卧位,晶状体沉入玻璃体腔。上方 12 点位可见部分晶状体 (B) 缝线 1 尾部系于 IOL 前襻。(C) 缝针 1 由主切口进针到 3 点位出针。(D) 将 IOL 推入前房。(E)IOL 后襻遗留于主切口外,将缝线 2 尾部系于 IOL后襻。(F) 在冲洗针头的辅助下,将缝针 2 的针尾从主切口向侧切口退出。(G) 缝针 2 从侧切口进针到 9 点位出针。(H) 初步完成 IOL 悬吊。(I、J) 向下轻压 IOL,将其置于晶状体后方。(K) 通过睫状体平坦部切口,使用虹膜恢复器将晶状体调整至正位。(L) 缝针 2 于 9 点位行浅层巩膜 Z 字缝合第一针。(M) 缝针 1 于 3 点位行浅层巩膜 Z 字缝合第一针,初步固定 IOL。(N) 环形撕囊。(O) 晶状体超声乳化。(P) 吸除皮质。(Q) 剪断残余悬韧带,完整取出晶状体囊袋。(R) 前部玻切。(S) 完成 Z 字缝合剩余步骤。(T) 缝合主切口。
(A)The lower suspensory ligament is broken, and the lens is upward deviated. (B)The tail of suture1 is attached to the anterior loop of the IOL. (C)The needle1 is inserted from the main incision to the 3 o'clock position. (D)The IOL is pushed into the anterior chamber of the eye. (E)The posterior IOL loop was left outside the primary incision, and the tail of suture 2 was tied to the rear IOL loop. (F)Using the irrigation cannula, the end of needle2 is retracted from the primary incision to the lateral incision. (G)Needle2 is inserted from the lateral incision to the 9 o'clock position. (H)IOL suspension was preliminarily completed. (I,J)Gently press down on the IOL and place it behind the lens. (K)Position the lens with an iris restorer through an incision in the plana of the ciliary body. (L)Superficial scleral Z suture was performed at 9 o 'clock with needle2. (M)The superficial scleral Z suture was performed at 3 o 'clock with needle1, , and IOL was initially fixed. (N)Posterior continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis. (O)Phacoemulsification of the lens. (P)Aspiration of the lens cortex. (Q)Cut the residual suspensory ligament and remove the capsular pouch completely. (R)Cut the anterior vitreous. (S)Complete the remaining steps of the Z suture. (T)Suture main incision.

表 1 术前术后裸眼视力对比
Table 1 Comparison of uncorrected visual acuity before and aer operation


图 3 IOL 术后位置居中
Figure 3 The position of IOL was centered


3 讨 论

    晶状体半脱位手术术中最大的难点就是晶状体的稳定性问题。虹膜拉钩的出现是解决该难点的一个标志性开端,1997年Merriam等[8]首次将虹膜拉钩用于固定晶状体囊袋,微切口的超声乳化手术自此逐渐成为了半脱位晶体的主流术式,而白内障囊内摘除术(ICCE)被淘汰出局。但是,虹膜拉钩的拉钩长度较短,术中前房涌动时,极容易脱落。解决这一问题的方法有囊袋拉钩[9]和囊袋张力片段(CTS)[10],但是国内众多医院尚不能合法购入相关材料。N2~N3级核由于超声乳化时间很短,虹膜拉钩脱落的问题并不突出,但是N4~N5级核的患者,手术难度就骤然增加。由于手术时间长达15~30 min,如果拉钩频繁脱落,很可能造成核块的脱落,但普通的玻切头难以处理硬核核块,仅能采用玻璃体超声粉碎技术[11],而多数医院没有条件开展该项术式。因此,需有附加装置辅助虹膜拉钩来固定晶状体。笔者意外发现,悬吊的IOL可以成为很好的辅助工具。为了熟悉这一技术,笔者先从N2级核开始摸索经验,但是真正的目标患者群是N4~N5级核的患者。
本术式的技术要点和注意事项:如果上方的悬韧带断裂(如图1A),晶状体半脱位发生在9-12-3点位附近,在术中注入粘弹剂的时候可以放出少许前房水,玻璃体会随之前涌,将晶状体托起,术者可以顺势将粘弹剂部分注入玻璃体腔(如图1B),使晶状体进一步上浮,便于下一步将IOL植入晶状体的下方(如图1G)。如果有少许玻璃体脱出主切口,可以使用前部玻切切除。如果是下方的悬韧带断裂,晶状体半脱位发生在9-6-3点,甚至更多(如图2A),晶状体是下垂于玻璃体腔的,仅见少许晶状体边缘,估计脱离范围在270°左右,则保留晶状体悬垂于玻璃体腔的状态不变,先行悬吊IOL(图2B-H)。IOL悬吊成功后,轻轻下压,使IOL下沉5~6 mm深,没于玻璃体腔内(图2I);于上方角巩膜缘后3.0~3.5 mm处,作1.5 mm的睫状体平坦部切口,选择1.5 mm宽的虹膜恢复器,垂直巩膜探入玻璃体腔,轻轻将脱位的晶状体托起(图2K),置于IOL上方,再收紧IOL的悬吊线,将晶状体置于生理位置。对于N2~N3级核,此时就可以开始常规撕囊、超声乳化、吸皮质等操作了;而N4~N5级核则需要虹膜拉钩的辅助(如图1L),但是,此种操作也并非万无一失,本研究其中一例N5级核患者在术中由于操作不慎继发了悬韧带损伤,导致晶状体核坠入玻璃体腔,笔者由此也体会到,将晶状体扶正于IOL之上的过程中,虹膜恢复器进入切口的方向应尽量与晶状体轴平行,并轻轻托起晶状体,而不能顶压晶状体,避免悬韧带的二次损伤。


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1、国家自然科学基金 (82171026),四川省科技厅项目 (2022NSFSC0385)。
This work was supported by The Natural Science Foundation of China (No.82171026) and Project of Sichuan Provincial Department of Science and Technology (2022NSFSC0385).()
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science

