赵家良,北京协和医学院、中国医学科学院北京协和医院眼科教授,曾任中国医学科学院眼科研究中心主任、北京协和医院眼科主任。1996年起任第六届中华医学会眼科学会全国委员会委员;2000年后担任第七届、第八届中华医学会眼科学会主任委员、防盲学组组长;第九届中华医学会眼科学会前任主任委员。2001年-2009年担任中华眼科杂志总编辑,2009年起为中华眼科杂志名誉总编辑。2003年起担任中国残疾人联合会康复协会副理事长,2002年起担任中国医师协会理事,2005年-2011年担任中国医师协会眼科医师分会会长, 2012-2014年为前任会长,2015年起为名誉会长,防治视觉损伤委员会主任委员。2004年当选为国际眼科科学院院士,2018年当选为副主席。2005年当选为亚太眼科学会(APAO)理事会理事,2006年当选为国际眼科理事会理事,2008-2010年当选APAO副主席,2008-2014年APAO防盲委员会主席。2012年任北京医师协会眼科医师分会会长,2015年北京医师协会理事。2016年任中国非公立医疗机构眼科委员会主任委员。曾任爱尔眼科医院集团医疗总监,爱尔北京英智眼科医院院长,现为爱尔眼科医院集团防盲总监。在青光眼和眼科流行病学方面做了大量工作,发表论文200多篇,主编专著8部。获国内外多项奖励: 1987年获北京市科技进步三等奖,1999年获Carl Kupfer 国际防盲奖,2002年获亚洲太平洋地区白内障屈光手术学会杰出成就奖,2003年获北京市科技进步二等奖、中华医学科技奖二 等奖、亚洲太平洋地区眼科学会奖,2005年获中华眼科杰出成就奖,2007年获亚太眼科学会Arthur Lim 奖,2008年获中美眼科学会金苹果奖,2009年获美国南加大Doheny眼科研究所“Doheny学者”的称号、中国医师奖、2013年获亚太眼科学会最高奖Jose Rizal 奖、国家科技奖二等奖。2016年获海外华人视觉和眼科研究会视觉和眼科研究杰出领导奖、中华医学会眼科学分会终身成就奖、美国眼科学会杰出成就奖、2019年北京协和医院杰出成就奖。
Zhao, Jialiang is a Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at Peking Union Medical college Hospital. He graduated from Peking Union Medical College in 1970. He also studied and worked in National Eye Institute and Doheny Eye Institute, University of Southern California, USA for four years. He is a glaucoma specialist, and also interested in the ophthalmic epidemiology and prevention of blindness. He has published more than 200 peer-review papers and books.
He used to be the Director of Eye Research Center, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; the Director of Department of Ophthalmology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital. He was the member of the 6th National Committee, the President of the 7th and 8th National Committee, the Immediate Past President of 9th National Committee, the head of prevention blindness committee, Chinese Ophthalmological Society. He was the Editor-in-Chief (2001-2009), the Honorary Editor-in-Chief (since 2009), Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology. He is the Deputy Director of Rehabilitation Association, China Disabled Person Federation since 2003. He was the Director of the National Committee, Chinese Medical Doctor Association (CMDA).He was the President (2005 - 2011), Immediate Past President (2012 – 2014), Honorary President (since 2015), Chairman of Prevention of Visual Impairment, CMDA. He was elected as the member of Academian Ophthalmolpogica Internationalis in 2004 and Vice-president in 2018. He was elected as the Director of Council, Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) (2005), the Director of Council, International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) (2008-2010), Vice President of APAO (2008-2010),the Chairman of Prevention of Blindness (2008-2014). He is the President of Beijing Ophthalmologist Association since 2012,and the Director of Committee, Beijing Medical Doctor Association. He is the Director of Medical Affair, Director of Prevention Blindness of Aier Eye Hospital Group. He is the President of Ophthalmological Committee of Non-Government Medical Organization.
He is the receiver of several international and domestic awards: the Beijing Science and Technology Advanced Award in 1987, the Kupfer Award for Prevention of Blindness in 1999, Asia Pacific Cataract and Refractive Surgery Achievement Award in 2002, Beijing Science and Technology Advanced Award in 2003, Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award in 2003, Homles lecture award from APAO in 2003, Achievement Award form Chinese Ophthalmological Society in 2005, Authur Lim award from APAO in 2007, Rizal golden award, from APAO in 2013, Doheny Scholar in 2009, Chinese Physician Award in 2010, National Science and Technology Award in 2013, 2016 OCAVER Outstanding Leadership Award, 2016 COS Life Achievement Award and 2016 Achievement Award from American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2019 Outstanding Achevement Award from Peking Union Medical College Hospital.